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$50M in state funds sought to aid businesses (SF New Mex)

$50M in state funds sought to aid businesses

Posted: Sunday, November 23, 2014 7:00 pm | Updated: 12:42 am, Mon Nov 24, 2014.

Lawmakers looking to boost economic development in New Mexico are pushing for more money for a program that funds land, equipment and construction for new and expanding businesses.

The Jobs Council, a consortium of business leaders, economists and lawmakers who have been meeting for the past 18 months, is lobbying for $50 million from the Legislature under the state Local Economic Development Act, or LEADA, to serve as a “closing fund” to pay for roads, sewers, water lines, buildings and other incentives for business expansion.

The new money for LEADA is the top priority that will move through the Legislature in January from the Jobs Council as well as the state Economic Development Department.

Other recommendations include more recruitment money to sell the advantages of New Mexico, an increase in job-training funds, money for a pilot project in forest restoration, as well as initiatives to help solo or independent contractors. The group is also seeking $4.5 million to provide economic development grants to smaller communities.

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