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Albuquerque Area State Senators Respond to Federal Law Enforcement Deployment to Albuquerque


Date: July 23, 2020

Contact: Chris Nordstrum, 415-601-1992

Albuquerque Area State Senators Respond to Federal Law Enforcement Deployment to Albuquerque

SANTA FE — Today, in response to President Donald Trump announcing the deployment of federal law enforcement agents to Albuquerque as part of “Operation Legend,” four Albuquerque state senators issued the following statements:

“The use of federal forces in Albuquerque is hurtful to my community. The President is sending 35 federal police to Albuquerque to intimidate, strike fear and run over our constitutional rights. My community is made up of hardworking families. Some families are of mixed status. What would stop them from extending their jurisdiction to include immigration? We should not have to fear participating in a protest against institutional racism that exists in all areas of our government, including our criminal justice and police systems. Albuquerque and NM do not need this unaccountable group of authoritarian bullies.”
— Senator Linda M. Lopez, District 11

“This is an affront on our sovereignty as a state and a direct attack on the civil liberties of every Burqueño. The sheriff is a disgrace to his office and to our community.”
— Senator Jacob Candelaria, District 26

“Like so many communities around the country, we in Albuquerque are facing difficult times. People are scared – parents and teachers are worried about how we’re going to provide our kids with a quality education, the economy is struggling, and the fight for equality and racial justice has taken on renewed urgency. And all of this is happening amidst an unprecedented global pandemic. The last thing we need is more political maneuvering and strong-arm tactics to stoke fear in people. If the president truly wanted to help he would open a dialog with our leaders and ask what we need in terms of support.”
— Senator Mimi Stewart, District 17

“Federal law enforcement agencies have their specific roles and responsibilities, and rarely do they include local law enforcement, which is a state and local government function.  Sending out-of-state FBI, ATF, DHS agents and U.S. Marshals to Albuquerque will likely introduce chaos into the difficult job of keeping our residents safe. The track record of this administration is not good and Operation Legend will likely be another poorly planned disaster. Why isn’t the President focusing on the pandemic, health care, resources for our people, and the economy, to name a few pressing issues?  This is just a desperate political gimmick.”
— Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, District 16