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Bipartisan group of women lawmakers aim to better the lives of women, families and children.

Santa Fe, NM –  The New Mexico Women’s Legislative Caucus recently announced the election of its newest officers.  The group was founded in 2019 and includes lawmakers from both major political parties. The caucus is designed to push for reforms that support women, children and families across the state of New Mexico. Newly elected Co-Chairs of the committee include Democrat Senator Brenda McKenna (District 9) and Republican Representative Gail Armstrong (District 49).

Other members elected to the Women’s Caucus include Co-Vice Chairs Senator Crystal Diamond (R, District 35) and Rep. Meredith A. Dixon (D, District 20). Secretary Rep. Rebecca Dow (R, District 38), Treasurer Rep. Kelly Fajardo (R, District 7), and Parliamentarian Rep. Natalie Figueroa (D, District 30) were also elected to the board.

2021 marks a year where a record number of women are in state legislature leadership posts across the country. Since 1971, the number of women serving in state legislatures has more than quintupled nationally, and in New Mexico women currently represent 43.8% of the total legislature. (Pew Research Center). 

“It was not that long ago when supporting and voting for a woman to hold public office was rare,” commented Co-Chair Senator Brenda McKenna. “Though the number of female public officials in New Mexico and other states has increased, there remain gaps.  I look forward to collaborating with my fellow legislators to engage with girls and young women in NM and help them with their career aspirations.”

Co-Vice Chair Senator Crystal Diamond added “As a new member, being elected to leadership is a huge honor. I am the proud mother of two daughters and I want to show them that they can be uncompromising in their convictions and still achieve any goal they set for themselves.”

The demonstration of successful legislative bipartisanship is a key focus of the Women’s Caucus. “With members of both parties, we’ll begin our efforts to advance legislation that lifts up New Mexican women and to build bridges with community organizations. I’m honored to begin this new role and I look forward to working with the members of this caucus.” said Representative Meredith A. Dixon (D, District 20)

Rep. Kelly Fajardo, former Co-Chair of the Women’s Caucus, added “We take great pride in that we can find commonality and find legislation that we can endorse. The House has a women majority for the first time ever, and I believe this historic moment is reflective of our culture in New Mexico, our voices on both sides of the aisle will make long-lasting and positive change for our families and businesses in our state.”

The caucus will soon announce the legislation it endorses for the 2021 session.