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Senate Leaders Blast Power Grab by NMSU Board of Regents

For Immediate Release
Contact: Arnold Vigil, (505) 986-4882

PDF: NMSU Regents Resolution



The New Mexico State University Board of Regents earlier this week unceremoniously suspended the authority of the current administration led by former Governor and Chancellor Garrey Carruthers.

“I find it reprehensible that the NMSU Board of Regents would engage in such a classless and drastic move to get rid of the current administration,” said Senator Linda M. Lopez, chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, which handles confirmations of university regents. “Governor Garrey Carruthers has dedicated his life to the State of New Mexico and given his heart and soul to New Mexico State University. It is just unimaginable that the regents would treat him this way.”

Senator Linda M. Lopez
Senator Linda M. Lopez

Senate Pro-Tempore Mark Kay Papen, whose district represents NMSU in the Las Cruces area, said the sudden move by the NMSU Board of Regents is the most terrible way possible to treat Governor Carruthers, a living New Mexico institution.

“I am personally offended by the way the New Mexico State Board of Regents, led by board chair, Debra Hicks, has unceremoniously ended the career of such a great man,” Senator Papen said. “Governor Carruthers deserves much, much better!”

Senate Pro-Tempore Mary Kay Papen
Senate Pro-Tempore Mary Kay Papen

The NMSU Board of Regents passed a resolution during a special meeting on Monday, February 12, 2018, that stripped all authority away from the current university administration until a new chancellor is chosen after July 1.

In a bizarre and ill-advised move during the 2017 Legislative Session, Governor Martinez initially vetoed funding for the state’s higher-education institutions in a move that was publicly rebuked by Governor Carruthers and leaders of many other colleges and universities. The abrupt and illogical action drew widespread criticism and needlessly disrupted organizational planning until the funding was restored.

“Our flagship universities, including UNM [University of New Mexico] and NMSU, are suffering from the appointments of Governor Martinez, who demands rubber-stamped leadership,” Senator Lopez said. “This latest move by the NMSU regents is just the latest mean and senseless episode of this administration.”

Senate Pro-Tempore Mary Kay Papen adds, “This move on the part of the NMSU Regents leadership is disgraceful. We have some very good people serving the public and higher education on boards across the state. And to have this small group of people insert themselves forcefully into a smooth-running operation is shameful.”

