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Senator Jacob Candelaria and Representative Debbie Rodella to co-sponsor bill aimed at improving wireless broadband networks

Senator Jacob Candelaria and Representative Debbie Rodella to co-sponsor bill aimed at improving wireless broadband networks


For Immediate Release: December 12, 2017


Contact: Chris Nordstrum, (505) 986-4819


(Santa Fe, NM) Senator Jacob Candelaria and Representative Debbie Rodella will introduce a bill at the upcoming legislative session aimed at improving New Mexico’s wireless broadband networks.  This legislation will encourage wireless carriers to invest in new technology to boost their existing networks.


Senator Candace Gould and Representative Jim Smith are cosponsoring the bill.


The Wireless Consumer Advanced Infrastructure Act would streamline and standardize rules regarding the deployment of small cells. Small cells are mini antennas that can be placed on existing structures such as traffic signals, buildings and street lights to boost mobile internet speeds in areas that need additional capacity. Small cells can help meet skyrocketing customer demand on wireless networks in a way that is unobtrusive and doesn’t require the building of new cell towers.


“Having access to fast, reliable wireless is increasingly important to all New Mexicans. Just this week, we saw the serious impact connectivity issues can have on a community with Santa Fe declaring a telecommunications emergency,” said Senator Jacob Candelaria. “With this bill, we are seeking to remove obstacles for wireless broadband investment and accelerate the deployment of new technology in communities across the state to give New Mexicans the service they want and need.”


New Mexico is one of the most wireless reliant states in the country with an estimated 51 percent of households identified as wireless-only. Over the past two years, data usage in the United States has increased 238 percent and is expected grow five times by 2022.


“This bill is important because not only will it help meet our current wireless needs, but it also paves the way for the next generation of wireless services in New Mexico,” said Representative Debbie Rodella, Chair of the House Business and Industry Committee. “Having strong wireless broadband networks is critical to growing our businesses and attracting new business and investment to the state.”

