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Senator Michael Padilla to Introduce Legislation to Provide Options for Disposal of Dangerous and Addictive Pharmaceuticals

Contact: Erika Martinez
(505) 986-4819

November 26, 2014

Senator Michael Padilla to Introduce Legislation to Provide Options for Disposal of Dangerous and Addictive Pharmaceuticals

Santa Fe, NM – Senator Michael Padilla (D-14-Bernalillo) announced today, that he has plans to sponsor legislation to enact a new section of the Pharmacy Act that would mandate wholesale drug distributors in the state to collect unused dangerous drugs.

“Without realizing it, New Mexicans have dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals in their medicine cabinets, providing opportunities for anybody to access them. These situations can lead to dangerous consumption by minors, and in some cases, possibly addiction,” said Sen. Padilla.

According to the legislation, wholesalers would be required to “provide for the safe disposal of the dangerous drugs in accordance with state and federal law.” It would also require that the Board of Pharmacy “identify and hold harmless wholesale drug distributors for actions taken in compliance with the dangerous drug take-back program.” Funding for the provisions is proposed to be provided by the Board of Pharmacy.

“With this legislation, we can reduce unintended access to unused pharmaceuticals, and as a result, help decrease addiction to prescription medications by giving New Mexicans a safe way to properly dispose of them,” Sen. Padilla said.

Sen. Padilla said he hopes the legislation will be successful during the upcoming session. “This is a bipartisan issue and I have faith it will be seriously considered by all,” he added.
